
Posts Tagged ‘Christmas story’

Closer to North Africa

January 4, 2016 Leave a comment
Candle with scenes of the Christmas story

Candle with scenes of the Christmas story

The nurse who came to take Clive’s blood today expressed his shock and dismay that Clive was refused by the Rehabilitation Centre.

He reckoned it was a private hospital being picky about who it accepted and inventing excuses, stating things about the facilities which aren’t true, and that they’d made up their minds before they came.

He ended up saying that as Anglo Saxons we may have difficulty in understanding the Italian mentality, which has an entirely different cultural make-up. No doesn’t necessarily mean No, and Yes doesn’t necessarily mean Yes.

Italy is geographically closer to North Africa than it is to Northern Europe, he finished.

The candle in the photo bears North African scenes although they had to be peeled off when I pared down the wax. We’ll continue burning it in the evenings till the public holiday of Epiphany.